I haven't been here in almost a year. The one place that I can write and be me, and it's the one place I have avoided, neglected, and blocked out. I've been doing a lot of soul searching over the past year. Things I haven't even shared with my best friends or family. It's been about me, Suzanna, finding me.
As a child I was shy.... I think I finally broke out of the box when I was in 10th grade in high school. Now days I am thought to be more outspoken. In all reality, I do get passionate about things, but I also take a lot of things to heart. And, it's my heart that usually gets me into trouble. It's hard for me to say no to someone, but I don't have the heart not to. Even when that person is not there for me. It comes from that old saying of, "I am here for you if you need me." Then when I am faced with big obstacles and those people that I am there for don't step up to the plate, then I am disheartened.
I am the believer, the inspiration, and I try to take a positive attitude with everything I go through. I am the mother of an adult son with Asperger's Syndrome, among other mental and physical disabilities. He is my hero and my inspiration. I have grown so much as a person because of him. However, there are times that I am so caught up in being his mom, that I don't take care of me. I don't allow myself to heal when I am sick, or take time for me when I need a break. So now I am trying to change that. I won't stop being his mom, but I will be a stronger mom to take care of his needs, because I am taking care of me.
As I have stated before, writing is my passion. I am most happy when I am writing. My laptop crashed almost a month ago. I am writing from my very old desktop. I am in the process of getting the laptop fixed, with the help of a wonderful friend. If it can't be fixed, then I will pray hard that I will be blessed with the means of getting a new one. I plan to start back writing on a regular basis, and maybe get that book started that I've been talking about forever.
I see from my stats that there are still a lot of you checking out my page. Even though there has been nothing new. I want to say thank you! I will try to give you more to read. Peace!
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