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Monday, May 13, 2013

Wouldn't you know......

When I wrote my Mother's Day blog the other night I was nodding out, and wrote quickly.  I went back and read it, and Lord have mercy......I had so many errors......that one I should have proof read! firm that laid me off back in March has hired me back!  Imagine that! It started as me coming back on a temp basis last week, and after my first day the were offering a permanent position again!  I am kind of excited.  I like the people I work with there.  And, the past two jobs before this one I was out of work for 7 months each.  I couldn't afford that again.  My life will be total craziness again.  Working in family law does that to you.  Especially on a full-moon!  But I'm up for the challenge.......

I am lovin' life!


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