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Sunday, January 8, 2012

I miss her so much.......

My Aunt Dottie.....  I've mentioned her a lot since I first began blogging.  She was my mom's younger sister.  She and my Uncle Johnny were listed in my parent's Will when we were minors to be our guardians should anything happen to my parents back then.  Not only was she my mom's sister, but my mom's best friend.  She was like a second mom to us kids.  She never wanted any child to feel left out.  She said she remembered my mom and dad never leaving her children out, and others who helped during hard times, so when she was able to help others, she did.  I just remember her always being there for me.  She was there for me when I first broke it to my parents I was getting married to husband #1, she was there when I called my mom to tell her I was pregnant with my Ryan, and everytime I hit rock bottom she was there to listen and offer me advice.  I remember that time I was talking about finding a man who makes me happy....  She said, have to find happiness within yourself.....  Only you can make yourself happy.  She told me that a man can add and enhance, but the happiness comes from within.  I remember freaking out when the guy in an upstairs apartment from me called DCF on me and reported me for child abuse on my Ryan.  Of course it wasn't abuse, and it was resolved.  It goes back to not knowing what was wrong with Ryan then, and knowing he is a high functioning autism (Asperger's Syndrome).  When I called her she said, Susie, cooperate with them.  Show them that you have done nothing wrong.  I did, and it was unfounded, and they got me in to see a counselor for Ryan.  She was just always there.  When we were kids, and intrigued with the myth of "Bigfoot"....she went right along with it.  There was a movie, and she loaded us kids up in my parent's big station wagon, and took us to see that movie at the dollar theater.  On the way home she drove down a dark road by a cemetary near our house.  The battery chose that moment to go dead.  We thought she was just playing around with us, but she wasn't.  She went to a house and called mom and dad.  My dad came there, and jump started the car..........fussing all the way.  She laughed with us all the way back home.  I only have the fondest of memories.  What brought these thoughts on tonight?  You all know I've been sick.  So, all my friends on Facebook have been telling me to make a hot toddy to see if that would help knock this stuff out.  Well, my Aunt Dottie made them for me back when I was in my 1st marriage...... Husband #1 always called her when I got sick.  There were a couple of times he had to drive over and pick her up, but she was always ready to take care of me.  She sat up with me a many of nights.....  So tonight as I was making me one, I broke down.  I really miss her.  It's like I can hear her voice as if she were right here beside me now.  When she was diagnosed with cancer years ago it was devistating.  But God spared her for 2 years.  He gave her time to get her business in order, and give us time to get used to the idea that she would be gone.  I still don't think any amount of time would prepare us for that.  I was dusting the other day, and picked up a picture of her and my Uncle Johnny.  They looked so happy together.  She was well when the picture was taken.  That's how I try to remember her.  But I know at times like this, for each of us in the family, that we remember her warmth and love.  I know one day my mom and I were talking, and remembering.  We both broke down crying.  I know she is in heaven sitting with Grandma and my other family members....  She is probably smiling down on me right now.......  I am going to be okay........  But I miss her so much.........


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