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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody!!  Got lots to celebrate today.  I celebrate my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  Without his birth we would not know the blessings of the gift of giving and receiving.  He is the reason for this season......  I also celebrate my beautiful Mother's birthday.  She is 75 today.  When I think back to my childhood, I think about how my Mom always worked very hard to make Christmas a big thing in our house.  She kept the spirit of Christmas and Santa alive with us kids.  Call me silly, but I still believe in Santa.  I chose to sit in my living room to write my blog.  I had not put up a Christmas Tree in over 3 years, and decided that this year I would get back into the holiday spirit, and put our tree up.  I usually unplug when it gets later, but left it plugged in order to be able to look at the lights while I blogged.  it is so pretty.  I look at each ornament, and think of how we came to own them.  Each one has a sentimental value.  Although it is a themed tree (FSU - Garnet and Gold).  We have bows, FSU and TBBucs ornaments, the Hershey Kiss, the little Monopoly man, the M and M guys, and LOTS of angels.  Oh there is also a green frog that was a gift to Ryan from one of my nieces.  I love snowmen, so there are a lot of snowman decorations around.  It's just calm and peaceful right now.  We've already gotten our gifts from the family.  So there won't be a Santa visit here......  It's all good though.  I said this was going to be the year of love and family.  I am also still holding out for the "miracle".  I'm sure it's going to happen......  I feel it.  I'm a believer.  I have prayed, I have willed it to happen, and I now believe it is going to happen.  He and I are talking again ;-)  Yayy........   So enjoy your holiday.......  Remember to thank God for the blessings in your life.......  Love your friends and family, and just have a Merry Christmas!

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