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Saturday, December 17, 2011

I believe in miracles ;-)

So here we are just a little over a week before Christmas.  I have put up my Christmas Tree, and all that good stuff, but I can't quite get into the spirit of things.  I thought it was helping, but I have started taking a nose dive fast again.  I guess it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that I am about to go into week 3 of unemployment.  I search everyday endlessly.......Ugh.......  Send my resume out, and have had a couple of interviews, and a couple of telephone screenings for jobs, but nothing :-(  I had a meltdown earlier this week.  I'm not real proud of that....  I let a lot of anger and frustrations out, but not in a postitive way.  I kicked, screamed, threw things, and then went into my bedroom, and threw myself across my bed, and cried and cried!!  I felt a lot better after, but I had a huge mess to clean up, and a huge bruise on my ankle, and a sore wrist and arm.  That miracle that I wished for a few blogs ago?  Well now would be a great time for it to happen.  I would like to be that person that great things happen to, but not at someone else's expense.  Like hitting the lotto jackpot, or something like that.  I guess I would just take a job at this point.  My friends encourage me to believe.......  I'm really trying to.  Miracles, right??


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