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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Movies and Miracles........

So all weekend long I have watched the Christmas movies on the Lifetime and Hallmark channels.  They always start with a single mom, or single woman who are down on their luck.  It shows their struggles with no job, trying to raise children right at christmas with no money, and/or no husband or man in their life to share the holiday with.  Then all of a sudden at the end of the movie they receive all of this help; financially, jobs, the love of their lives.........Hmmmm..............  So as I watch these movies I am thinking how my life mirrors most of these stories.  I am single, I have a special needs young adult son, I have no husband or significant other in my life, and as of Wednesday....  I will be unemployed.  How ironic........  all of this right here at Christmas!  Only difference is that I live in the real world.  Miracles happen, but not quite to that magnitude.  At least not in my real world.  So why do I enjoy watching those movies?  Crying over and over again when these women and men have their wishes come true?  I guess reality or not, it's just in my genetic make up to want to see people happy.  To see their wishes come true.  I actually get pleasure out of seeing good things happen to good people.  I also believe that if I put my faith in God, good things will happen for me too.  Like I will have unexpected cash in my last paycheck, the most awesome job will fall into my lap, I will be able to return to college, and I will hear those 3 words from that special man ;-)  Hey......if you're going to wish or it big, right?  It can't hurt.  Miracles do happen........  This could be my year.  It could be your year too.  So be kind to others, believe, and dream big........  Make your life a movie ;-)


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