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Thursday, November 24, 2011

It is officially Thanksgiving Day.  My head is filled with so many different memories from over the years, and I just wanted to share....

When I was very little we used to split our Thanksgiving Day between my mom and dad's families.  We would spend part of the day with my paternal grandparents, and the other part of the day with my maternal grandmother, and my mom's family.  There was never ever any shortage of love in my family.  As I got older, my dad's parents moved away to North Florida.  We started going there for Thanksgiving, and spending Christmas with my mom's family.  There were always lots of food, lots of hugs, lots of love, and of course those pictures that you see now, and decide..........what on earth was I thinking??  But it was all good.  I never experienced holidays in darkness.......  But having a child with Asperger's Syndrome, who is also bi-polar with panic/anxiety disorders has certainly changed the holidays as I always knew them to be.

We used to go to Georgia so Ryan could visit his dad, and I would spend the holiday with my sister and her family.  This year will be the second year in a row that we have not been back to Georgia for Thanksgiving.  Ryan and I are planning a lazy quiet kind of day.  He just had surgery yesterday for a large kidney stone, and he is still not feeling well.  I will also use this as a day of reflection. 

I will get back to you on what I come up with.......  Until then.......  Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  Remember, no matter how much or how little you have; always be thankful.  Appreciate what God has given to you.  Make the most of what you have.  Enjoy your day ;-)


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