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Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday - Monday

I am not a person who requires a lot of sleep.  I have just never been that way.  So if I get too much sleep, I wake up with a lower back ache.  It never fails.  So too much sleep, accompanied with this whole time change thing....Yep, I'm fit to be tied!  I figure today will be my adjustment period back into the land of the unemployed, but feeling pretty good.  Well, minus the back ache!  lol  There is a lot to do around my house.  Spring cleaning!!  I guess it's a long time overdue.

So.......during my time away, I did give the ex-love thing another try.  Yes, the ex-beau that I was madly, deeply, in love with.  It was totally different than it had been the first time we got together.  He was everything I thought I wanted.  Well, of course he could only allow himself to get so close before, the harsh words of this can't work, it will never work, I don't love you like that - in that way.  He was also bringing up marriage.  Yikes!  Marriage scares the hell out of me first of all.  Big surprise, huh?  Considering my late teens and early 20's being riddled with bad marital choices.  As he was trying to end things with me, I got sick.  I found a lump in my left breast.  It turned out not to be breast cancer, thank God!!  Then my blood work came back all out of whack!  It was just a crazy time in my life.  He turned his back on me.  I had always thought of him as one of my best friends too.  Friends don't abandon friends in their time of need.  I missed being able to talk to him.  Sex was completely out....  I was being poked and prodded so much, that sex was the last thing on my mind, you know?  But I wanted my friend back!  It was a reality check for me.  I mean, if we were together as a couple and I got sick, would he be a pu*** and bolt?  Probably, yes.  I have texted him here and there asking how he is, and it is a hit or miss.  Sometimes he says yes he is, and other times he is downright rude.  He never asks how I am.  I look at this as I am now on the road to recovery.  I am a wonderful person, so of course it was his loss.  I am a stronger and more caring person because of it.

Now.....I am thinking of re-inventing myself.  That sounds good, doesn't it?  I am going to work on getting my body in rocking shape.  Work toward furthering my education.  I am woman, hear me roar.....  Life is good folks! 


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