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Thursday, August 2, 2012

"My"graines............... :-(

Migraines........Ugh.......whoever thought of that gene, must have been suffering from a migraine and not thinking in the right frame of mind!  I have been battling headaches all week.  Two days of which escalated into full blown migraines.  Not good.  Some how I managed to work, write, and function.....well all except the second day.  I caved and came home from work a couple of hours early.  Where am I going with this?  Heck......I don't even know.  I seem to have gotten caught up with phone calls, and im's tonight and because my brain is fuzzy......I'm having an issue with putting two thoughts together.  But I really wanted to write something tonight!  Not fair......  I am going to go to bed.  Get through my Friday, and veg out this weekend, and get my writing on.  Sounds like a plan to me ;-)


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